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Healthy Eating Tips: Navigating the Holidays with Goals!

Dec 08, 2023

Does one of the following sound familiar? Maybe they all do? 🤔  👇

(1)  You starve yourself all day to “save” calories for a party, and end up bingeing  

(2) You go and only eat the “allowed” foods, nibbling on the veggie tray, and silently wishing you could try the “treats” only to go home and consume half the food in your fridge or pantry  

(3)  You do an extra hour of cardio for 3 days leading up to the party and 3 days after to make up for the extra calories you consumed? 

NONE of these feel good after!



For years, I dreaded the Holiday Season. Don’t get me wrong, I love them, I just feared the parties, family get-togethers, hosting etc.  To “prove” that I wasn’t “obsessed” or fixated on my weight, I would eat anything and everything. OR, I would binge eat, with the full intention of getting back on track in January!  (Or worse yet, I would avoid certain events to maintain control).

Folks, that is NOT living!

Having goals and enjoying life should not be mutually exclusive!  Unless you are days out from a bodybuilding show, life is meant to be lived!

This does NOT mean a “free-for-all” mentality from Thanksgiving through January (Canadian Thanksgiving, so we include Halloween), with the intent to “clean it up” on January 1.

What I have learned is to allow myself some flexibility.  HOW?

Here are my TOP TIPS to navigate the holiday season when you have health and fitness goals! 👇

1)      Be Realistic – know that you are not going to avoid all the holiday treats.

2)      Set Achievable Goals – instead of a goal to lose weight, perhaps your goal is to maintain.

3)      Plan your training – set appointments with yourself, that are attainable. Aim to do some form of movement every day.  (Perhaps 30 minutes instead of an hour)

4)      Make good choices most of the time – if you know you’re going to a party where there will be calorie-laden snacks – DON’T starve all day – eat with a focus on your proteins and staying satiated throughout the day.  Pick what you want to eat, and ENJOY it. Take your time eating it, and really taste it.  IF you don’t like it – you don’t have to finish it!

5)      Focus on health if you know certain foods will make you bloat/cause inflammation/have a stomach ache – don’t eat them.  If someone asks you why you aren’t eating xyz – let them know you don’t feel well when you eat those foods. After all, if it was an allergy, no one would be saying “oh, one little bite won’t hurt” – yes, it might!

6)      Stay accountable – check in with your coach – tell them what you are eating and drinking. Be honest with yourself and with them.


These tips have helped me, and I hope they make your holiday season a little bit easier while on your health and fitness journeys! But, hey, if you're feeling like you could use some extra guidance tailored just for you, let's chat about how I can help you navigate your goals!

Let's make this holiday season about joy, balance, and being the best version of yourself. Ready to take the plunge? Reach out, and let's chat!

Wishing you a season of celebration without compromise, Coach Julie 🌟



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